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  • The UK climate projections 2009 (UKCP09) marine and coastal multi-level ocean projections provide detailed information on the potential future implications of climate change on the marine environment in UK waters. Marine parameters are provided for projections of changes in water temperature, salinity, currents and stability of the water column over a 12km marine grid, for the 30 year time period 2070-2099 (and the baseline period 1961-1990) for the medium emissions scenario (IPCC SRES: A1B). Note: The multi-level ocean projections are based on a single model simulation. In contrast to some other components of UKCP09 these are not probabilistic projections, meaning they do not quantify the range of future changes associated with modelling uncertainties or natural climate variability. More information about the variables and methodology (including assumptions and caveats) are given in Chapter 6 of the Marine & coastal projections report (see linked documentation).